& Public

Government Relations

Please check back shortly for information regarding government relations & lobbying.

NM Legislative Session begins:


Public Relations

Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.

Build your reputation through media, social media, signs and other products of communication. Sounds easy, but where do you start? What are effective ways of getting noticed, of being heard? How do I pitch my message to reach my target audience? Promoting yourself can be overwhelming, we are here to help you.

Elliott Marketing is prepared to assist you through your business or political campaign with any public relations and advertising needs. Let us help you build trust, promote your ideas and accomplish what you have set out for.

We specialize in strategic communication, pitch ideation, media development, media analysis, data insight and design.

Government Relations

If an individual qualifies as a “lobbyist” or an activity counts as “lobbying” based on the definitions of these terms, a whole host of laws may come into effect. Registration, disclosures, gift restrictions and prohibitions – all of these and more depend on the definitions of lobbying and lobbyist.

States generally define lobbying as an attempt to influence government action through either written or oral communication. However, each state may have unique elements for what constitutes lobbying, exceptions to the definitions, and exceptions to those exceptions.

Lobbyists are not simply individuals who engage in lobbying. As an example of one common exception, a legislator attempting to gather support for a bill through the normal course of legislative operations would not be considered a lobbyist. A constituent making a call to a policymaker regarding a matter of personal concern would similarly be exempt.

The definition of a lobbyist typically revolves around lobbying on behalf of another for compensation. Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Michigan, Texas, Wyoming and New York stipulate compensation thresholds, so that an individual is required to register only after receiving a certain amount of compensation.

The following table provides definitions of lobbying, lobbyist, and other related terms from the respective states’ statutes.

This table is intended to provide general information and does not necessarily address all aspects of this topic. Because the facts of each situation may vary, this information may need to be supplemented by consulting legal advisors.

Public Relations

Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.

Build your reputation through media, social media, signs and other products of communication. Sounds easy, but where do you start? What are effective ways of getting noticed, of being heard? How do I pitch my message to reach my target audience? Promoting yourself can be overwhelming, we are here to help you.

Elliott Marketing is prepared to assist you through your business or political campaign with any public relations and advertising needs. Let us help you build trust, promote your ideas and accomplish what you have set out for.

We specialize in strategic communication, pitch ideation, media development, media analysis, data insight and design.

Black microphone in conference room

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